Currently, we have met quite a lot of people who adopt a vegetarian diet. Various vegetarian-only restaurants have been established in the capital. However, please note that vegetarian and vegan are not the same.
In the vegan diet, the perpetrator avoids all kinds of food of animal origin. Meanwhile, some types of vegetarians still consume eggs, milk, and other dairy products.
There are many reasons behind a person choosing a vegetarian diet. Starting from the choice to live a healthier life, religious reasons, as well as concern for the environment and animal rights. Whatever it is, a vegetarian diet is believed to have a myriad of benefits.
A vegetarian diet can have side effects if carelessly, Reading a book about an adventist diet / vegetarian diet is the right thing to do. We recommend because it’s a great place to plan a vegetarian diet.
Here is a list of the benefits of a vegetarian diet for the body:
The Risk Of Death From Coronary Heart Disease Can Be Reduced
A study says that people who follow a vegetarian diet have a lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease. This is certainly good news, considering that coronary heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world.
Lowers The Risk Of Colon Cancer
Consumption of large amounts of meat, especially red meat, has been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. On the other hand, foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables and fruits, can protect the intestines, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.
The Risk Of Diabetes Mellitus Can Be Reduced
Adopting a vegetarian diet is also beneficial for your blood sugar. A study says that vegetarians have more stable blood sugar levels. This has the potential to make them have a lower risk of diabetes, compared to people who do not follow a vegetarian diet.
Lowering The Risk Of Obesity
Obesity can be reduced with a vegetarian diet. It doesn’t stop there, being consistent in applying a vegetarian diet is also effective for losing and maintaining ideal body weight. These effects generally begin to be felt after doing it for six months or more.
Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels
One of the benefits of a vegetarian diet is that it can lower bad cholesterol levels. Please note, that bad cholesterol is one of the factors that cause the narrowing of these blood vessels which will cause heart disease and stroke.
A vegetarian diet that is rich in fibrous vegetables and fruits will help lower bad cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the intestines. So that bad cholesterol levels are minimal, a vegetarian is recommended to eat foods rich in plant sterols. Seeds, vegetables, and nuts are examples.
Make Ageless
A study states, that one of the efforts to stay young can be done by becoming a vegetarian. That’s because fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals that damage cells and help fight premature aging.
Prevents Other Types Of Cancer
A study mentioned, that the risk of cancer decreased by 15 percent in people who have a diet free of animal meat. The cancer prevention potential most likely stems from the abundance of antioxidants in a vegetarian diet. In addition, high intakes of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other phytochemicals contribute to a lower incidence of cancer.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Are you one of those people who have problems with high blood pressure? Well, a study reveals the benefits of a vegetarian diet in improving blood pressure profiles. This is certainly a good thing, considering that high blood pressure is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.
Types Of Vegetarian Diet You Can Try
Lacto-ovo vegetarian diet – Some people consider the Lacto-ovo diet to be the most traditional vegetarian diet. In this variation, you will not eat meat or fish, but still, include eggs and dairy products in the diet. The prefix “Lacto” is a dairy product and the Latin word lac means milk.
Only mammals, such as cows and humans, can produce milk. Then, “ovo” refers to an egg and comes from the Latin word ovum, which means egg. Following a Lacto-ovo diet means incorporating eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, and other dairy products into your diet, while excluding all meats of animal origin, such as beef, fish, chicken, and pig.
Pesco Vegetarians – Pesco Vegetarians are a plant-based diet that includes fish. This prefix comes from the Italian word “pesce,” which means fish. While someone on the Pesco diet will eat fish-based foods, such as tuna, halibut, salmon, or sushi, they usually avoid other meats, such as beef, chicken, or pork.
vegan diet – A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including all meat and fish, dairy products, and eggs. Honey produced by bees is still not consumed by some people on vegan diets. The vegan diet is based solely on plant foods. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, and nuts, including peas and lentils. In addition, a person on a vegan diet may avoid purchasing consumer products, such as cosmetics, clothing, and shoes, that use ingredients that are of animal origin or have been tested on animals.
Wrapping Up
It turns out that there are so many benefits of a vegetarian diet, right? Are you now increasingly interested in adopting this diet in your daily life?
Before starting, it’s a good idea to read a book first about the Adventist diet / Vegetarian Diet. Therefore, a vegetarian diet also has the potential to cause side effects if you are not careful.